Charity leaders emphasize that artificial intelligence cannot single-handedly address inequality

Charities Warned to Consider Inequality in AI Plans

Charities Warned to Consider Inequality in AI Plans

Voluntary sector leaders are cautioning charities to take inequality into account when developing plans to use artificial intelligence (AI) for their charitable causes. At a recent online panel discussion at the NPC’s annual conference, charity experts discussed the benefits and pitfalls of incorporating AI into their work.

While AI can be a valuable tool for the sector, panellists emphasized that technology alone cannot solve the inequalities present in data collection and analysis. Katie Rose, director of Europe at the Centre for Public Impact, stressed the importance of considering equity and oppression in the design of AI.

Rose highlighted the need for inclusive design teams and a deep understanding of the communities being served to ensure that data is representative and that the power of people can be unlocked through AI. Laura Hamzic, director of digital communications at Brook, a sexual health and education charity, added that being a digital leader involves helping staff understand AI to alleviate fears surrounding the technology.

Brook is in the early stages of its AI journey and is seeking funding for AI projects aimed at improving access to sexual health services and combating misinformation. Hamzic hopes AI will help identify areas where the charity can enhance its service delivery by analyzing gaps in the AI chatbot consultation process.

Neil Giles, director of intelligence at Stop the Traffik, shared the charity’s success in using AI to capture lived experiences of human trafficking. However, he noted the challenges of funding and maintaining AI platforms, emphasizing the need for ongoing investment in training models to enhance AI capabilities.

As charities continue to explore the potential of AI in their work, it is crucial for them to prioritize inclusivity, understanding, and ongoing support to ensure that technology is used effectively and ethically to address societal inequalities.


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