First National AI Expo Showcases ORNL’s Newest Technology

Cutting-Edge AI Research at ORNL Showcased at AI Expo 2024

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) researchers Ben Mintz and Max Lupo Pasini recently wowed attendees at the AI Expo 2024 for National Competitiveness with their groundbreaking technologies in artificial intelligence (AI). Mintz, director of the INTERSECT initiative at ORNL, showcased how AI is revolutionizing the creation of interconnected “smart labs of the future”. Meanwhile, data scientist Lupo Pasini presented his work in HydraGNN, a distributed multi-tasking graph neural network used in various scientific applications.

Lupo Pasini expressed his excitement about the event, stating, “I had the opportunity to present some results on AI for materials science obtained at ORNL. My interactions with participants showed me that they found the event very interesting and recognized the importance of AI for maintaining U.S. leadership in scientific and technological progress. Continuing events like this will be extremely beneficial for the scientific community.”

ORNL has made significant investments in advancing AI, including the establishment of the AI Initiative and the Center for Artificial Intelligence Security Research (CAISER). Researchers at the lab are utilizing ORNL’s Frontier, the world’s first exascale supercomputer, for the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Frontier AI for Science, Security, and Technology (FASST) program. The FASST proposal aims to create multiple AI research centers at DOE national laboratories.

“This event provided a national platform for showcasing our cutting-edge AI research and highlighted ORNL’s leadership in AI to address complex challenges in science, energy, and national security,” said Balaprakash, emphasizing the importance of ORNL’s contributions to the field of AI.


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