Improving the Functionality of Artificial Intelligence for Consumers and Societies

Unlocking the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence: The Need for Global Regulatory Frameworks

The global regulatory framework for artificial intelligence (AI) is crucial for ensuring transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in the development and deployment of this transformative technology. Despite recent milestones like the approval of the Artificial Intelligence Act by the European Parliament, there is still a pressing need for more comprehensive governance efforts on a global scale.

The UNCTAD Secretary-General, Rebeca Grynspan, emphasized the importance of addressing the opportunities and challenges posed by AI during a recent event in Geneva. While AI holds great promise for consumer welfare through personalized products and services, optimized customer support, and online dispute resolution, there are also concerns about the fair, responsible, and ethical use of AI.

One of the key issues highlighted by Ms. Grynspan is the concentration of data flows and revenues from digital services in the hands of a few global tech giants. This concentration not only centralizes the benefits of AI but also exacerbates existing technology divides based on geography, gender, income, and race.

To address these challenges, UNCTAD is calling for more awareness raising and the development of robust global regulatory frameworks to ensure that AI benefits all. This includes advocating for transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in AI development and deployment.

In order to achieve this, collective action is essential. Consumers and policymakers need to be empowered through AI literacy, while international cooperation is crucial for developing national strategies aligned with global principles. Tech companies also have a role to play in adopting ethical AI development practices that prioritize consumer well-being and societal benefit.

As Secretary-General Grynspan aptly stated, “Just as previous generations tackled their technological revolutions, let us work tirelessly to ensure that the AI revolution benefits every human being. Let this be our legacy.” By working together to establish a global regulatory framework centered on transparency, accountability, and inclusivity, we can unlock the full potential of AI for the benefit of all.


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