Principles for Artificial Intelligence (AI) on a Global Scale

Establishing Ethical AI Framework for Responsible and Sustainable Innovation: Principles for AI Developers and Regulators

AI developers and regulators have a unique opportunity to establish an ethical AI framework to boost innovation and create new business opportunities, while ensuring that AI develops in a way that is responsible and sustainable. To achieve this, it is essential that AI systems are trained on content and data which is accessed lawfully, including by appropriate prior authorizations obtained for the use of copyright protected works and other subject matter, and that the content and sources used to train the systems are clearly identified. This document sets out principles that the undersigned publisher organizations believe should govern the development, deployment, and regulation of Artificial Intelligence systems and applications. These principles cover issues related to intellectual property, transparency, accountability, quality and integrity, fairness, safety, design, and sustainable development.

The proliferation of AI Systems, especially Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI), present a sea change in how we interact with and deploy technology and creative content. While AI technologies will provide substantial benefits to the public, content creators, businesses, and society at large, they also pose risks for the sustainability of the creative industries, the public’s trust in knowledge, journalism, and science, and the health of our democracies.

The undersigned organizations fully embrace the opportunities AI will bring to our sector and call for the responsible development and deployment of AI systems and applications. They strongly believe that these new tools will facilitate innovative breakthroughs when developed in accordance with established principles and laws that protect publishers’ intellectual property (IP), valuable brands, trusted consumer relationships, and investments. The indiscriminate appropriation of intellectual property by AI systems is unethical, harmful, and an infringement of protected rights.

Representing thousands of creative professionals around the world, including news, magazine, and book publishers, as well as the academic publishing industry, these organizations invest considerable time and resources creating high-quality content that keeps communities informed, entertained, and engaged. The principles outlined in this document are aimed at ensuring the continued ability to innovate, create, and disseminate such content, while facilitating the responsible development of trustworthy AI systems.

The principles cover various aspects including intellectual property rights, transparency, accountability, quality and integrity, fairness, safety, design, and sustainable development. They emphasize the importance of respecting creators’ and owners’ proprietary content, negotiating for adequate remuneration for the use of IP, compliance with copyright and ancillary rights, transparency in AI systems, accountability for system outputs, ensuring quality and integrity, avoiding unfair market outcomes, promoting safety and privacy, incorporating principles into AI system design, and aligning with global laws for sustainable development.

The undersigned organizations are committed to upholding these principles and call for collaboration among AI developers, operators, regulators, and other stakeholders to ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI systems that benefit society while respecting the rights and contributions of content creators and publishers.


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