Using AI to Ask Birds: What Makes a Good Tree?

Revolutionizing Habitat Design: Using AI to Create Artificial Structures for Birds and Trees

Artificial structures designed with the help of AI and machine learning are being used to mimic the features of large old trees in degraded environments in southeastern Australia. These structures are being built in the Molonglo region of Canberra in collaboration with the Australian Capital Territory Parks and Conservation Service.

Large old trees, which once covered millions of square kilometers in the region, are now rare, posing a challenge for the many species of birds and animals that depend on them for habitat. Traditional artificial structures like utility poles and snags have been introduced as substitutes, but they do not fully replicate the complex canopy structures provided by large old trees.

By using AI to analyze data and understand bird preferences for certain habitat features, researchers have been able to design artificial structures that better meet the needs of avian inhabitants. Laser scanning and predictive modeling have been used to identify and measure attributes of tree branches that are important to birds, leading to the development of lightweight, easily installable structures that provide increased habitat suitability.

Prototypes based on these designs are currently being built, with plans for field testing to gather feedback from birds on the effectiveness of the structures. The ultimate goal is to create more inclusive and resilient environments by incorporating input from non-human stakeholders in the design process.

This innovative approach to design not only benefits the local ecosystem but also has broader implications for addressing environmental challenges worldwide. By treating other species as expert participants in design and using AI to incorporate their input, more equitable and sustainable solutions can be achieved. The use of AI to give a voice to non-human stakeholders can lead to better outcomes for all beings, creating a more harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.


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