AI robot designed to replace canes and guide dogs for the visually impaired

Stevie Wonder tries out new robotic device for the blind at CES 2024

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, music legend Stevie Wonder, who is blind, took a new robotic device for the blind for a spin, showcasing its potential to transform the lives of those with impaired vision. The device, called ‘Glide,’ was created by Amos Miller, a software professional who himself started going blind in his late twenties due to retinitis pigmentosa.

With an estimated 547,083 children with vision difficulty in the US in 2019, and millions more going blind during their lives due to diseases like diabetes or glaucoma, the need for innovative solutions for the visually impaired is clear. Miller’s personal experience with blindness led him to create the Glide, a robot designed to provide a more efficient and affordable alternative to traditional aids like canes and guide dogs.

The Glide, measuring 9-by-9 inches, utilizes passive kinetic guidance for movement, making it lightweight and easy to maneuver. Equipped with cameras and sensors, the robot can help users navigate around obstacles and provide feedback through a haptic handle. Integrated with apps like Google Maps, the Glide offers a precise way for users to reach their destinations, whether it’s navigating through a store or walking down the street.

As the aging population in the US is projected to increase, leading to a rise in age-related vision loss, innovative technologies like the Glide could play a crucial role in enhancing the independence and quality of life for those with impaired vision. Glidance, the company behind the Glide, is working on further developments to make the device suitable for outdoor use and plans to release a beta version soon.

With the potential to revolutionize how the visually impaired navigate the world, the Glide represents a significant step forward in assistive technology for those with impaired vision.


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