SDSU Scientists Create AI Robot to Assist Individuals with Mental Health Issues – NBC 7 San Diego

“AI Robot Pepper: Revolutionizing Mental Health Care at San Diego State University”

San Diego State University researchers have made a groundbreaking development in the field of artificial intelligence with the creation of Pepper, a robot designed to assist people with mental health concerns. With the help of a $5-million grant from the Brown Foundation, researchers at the James Silberrad Brown Center for AI Research are working towards creating a robot that can act as an early warning system for potential mental health episodes.

Pepper, along with her fellow robot Bernard, can recognize emotions in people, making them the perfect tool to help individuals with mental health issues, particularly children with bipolar disorder. The goal is to move from reactionary psychiatry to preemptive care, with the technology potentially being used to diagnose diseases and disorders that can be difficult to identify.

Dr. Aaron Elkins, the center’s director, envisions a future where every home could have a robot like Pepper to monitor people’s behavior and provide insights and suggestions based on data analysis. However, Pepper is quick to clarify that she is not meant to replace human doctors, but rather to assist them in making more informed decisions.

With microphones, light detection and ranging sensors, and an iPad display, Pepper is constantly being improved by programmer Philip Amadasun. She uses visual context to describe her surroundings and has shown an impressive ability to accurately identify and describe individuals she has never met before.

While Pepper is currently in clinical trials, researchers are hopeful that this technology could lead to a future where personalized therapeutic robots like Pepper can provide support and assistance to those in need. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development in the world of artificial intelligence.


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